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I want to apply for online electronics and communication engineering expert profile

I want to apply for online teaching job for the above mentioned stream. I am an Final Year Electronics and communication Engineering student,
I have done various projects in electronics stream which involves work with microproccessors and microcontrollers.
? Currently Pursuing B.Tech degree in ETC stream
? Strong communication, collaboration & interpersonal skills with proficiency in grasping new technical concepts
quickly and utilizing them in an effective manner.
? Abilities in handling multiple priorities, with a bias for action and a genuine interest in personal and professional
? Pursued certification course and executed academic projects in Networking and Server concepts and skills from
? Pursued vocational industrial training from SAIL(Steel Authority of India Limited) in the year 2013.
? Strong interests in electronics chips, circuits and microcontroller based designs.
? Performed various projects in Microcontrollers, Robotics and Embedded Systems.
? Great interests in the fields of programming like C++, Java and assembly language programming.
? Recently involved in an antenna research based project
Project: Industrial Orientation and Observational Training
Duration: 4 weeks
The training was based on basic operation of different shops under the steel plant. Special emphasis had been laid on
equipment specifications, process capabilities and operation parameters. The main objective behind this project was to
understand the basic functioning of a factory set-up and the meticulous processes involved in the manufacturing of steel
and other ferro products

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