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The post of freelance assignment writer

I have been part of the academic writing industry since 2 years. I have worked for companies namely, ABSAS Solutions, Dissertation India and Projects Deal. I like what I do because writing allows me to explore my innate skills namely, in-depth research, analysis, comprehension and succinct presentation of the subject matter.
I have contributed in various areas of documentation namely, Academic content writing, Article writing, Blog writing, Marketing collateral and Copy writing. Out of the above, if I am asked to choose one, I would say writing academic content has gifted me with personal and professional satisfaction.
I have always believed that an excellent education system creates a great impact on the individual's mind. This is true for both the way the individual reacts to real-life situations and also for the way the individual comprehends content in the newspaper, journal, magazine, employer case studies, e-mail communication and academic documents. I relate my success in the writing field to my Masters qualification pursued in 2006 and also to my innate writing skills.

Views about content writing:

My intellect is apt with the working environment of research and creative writing. I can work well with words because I can set a tone that is relevant to the target audience. It is my effort to always create quality documents that portray my analytical mind. Influencing a set of people with my content certainly excites me. The content writing profession thoroughly satisfies my insatiable mind. The writing profession has also given a new purpose to my life.

A content writer has to be careful with creating phrases that make lot of sense. If written with passion and sincerity, content is always thought provoking. Content is influential in a way that it creates a set of beliefs for or against a certain topic. The right content can get someone a job or crack a business deal. It is content that makes marketing communication perfect. Billion dollar enterprises rely on the success of their marketing communication.

How can any person live without communication?, I guess, it is impossible to live without communication. Good and purposeful communication means exchange of ideas that matter. Ideas will matter if they are structured and presented in an efficient manner. It may be a bad idea or may be an impractical idea but it makes lot of sense, if and only if it is presented well. Perhaps, that is why most of us love to read poems and sing songs. No matter how abstract the idea is, if we want the idea to be heard by the listener, read by the reader, seen by the viewer and acknowledged by great minds, the first step is to communicate that idea in a structured format and elaborate it with the right words.

I look forward to pursue the content writing opportunity with your esteemed organization to gain stability and growth in my career. My special thanks to you


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In other words, you will now make money online for not just writing quality assignments but also for helping us in acquiring new students through your shared documents (Assignment and Solutions)

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